You may be wondering if solar heated water tanks are necessary. The truth is, it’s a very popular method many homeowners consider to reduce their electric bills. Today, we’ll give you a better idea of what a solar water heater with a tank is, how they work, how they save you money, and why you need one!

What is a Solar Water Heater?

A solar water heater with a tank doesn’t use energy from the grid to heat water, instead, it uses solar panels on your roof powered by the sun to heat the water in your home. 

As many know, solar-powered energy has become very popular over the past few years because homeowners are looking to cut down their electric bills and use clean energy. 

Solar water heater tanks should be able to produce enough hot water for most of your daily hot water needs such as running a bath or shower or doing the dishes. 

How Much Money Can You Save With Solar Water Heater Tanks?

One of the main reasons you need a solar water heater is because of the amount of money you can save on your monthly utility and water bills. While they do require a hefty upfront investment, after installation, a solar water heater system will slowly start to show you the benefits. In fact, solar hot water heaters can usually cut your water heating expenses by between 50 and 80%. Essentially, the idea is that once you reach the end of paying off your solar water heater system, you’ll basically be running free water throughout your home, with the exception of maintenance on your system.

Rebates and Incentives

Another thing to note on why you need a solar water heater tank is the rebates and incentives. For example, the  Investment Tax Credit, also known as the federal solar tax credit, offers a credit equal to 26% of the costs of installing a solar water heater.

Ultimately, the answer really is up to you. It’s your decision if you need solar heated water tanks based on what your daily lifestyle is like. At Fun in the Sun, we’d be happy to answer any additional questions you may have or send a professional out to give you a quote. Contact us today to speak to an expert. For assistance with scheduling and service information, please contact us directly: 407.696.5292352.578.1386, or 1.866.381 WARM. You can also click here for a FREE estimate!